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Sense of Smell
Group 1477
Puzzle 4
Bend at the waist at the end of a performance.
Cheerios that say Bee Happy, Bee Healthy.
Crisp white wine from the Loire.
Explosive bubbler used in the tub.
Gritty board used to smooth finger ends.
Health tracker designed to be worn on your finger.
J.Lo and Affleck's power couple nickname.
Lively, author of Moon Tiger.
Monument or natural feature used for navigation.
Name of Daphne and Simon's house in Bridgerton.
Old word for contemptible and cowardly people.
Red-headed son of Gusteau in Ratatouille.
River of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.
Smelly insect that emits a smell when troubled.
Two-wheeled passenger carts driven by a person.
Used to smooth finger ends, its aka an emery board.