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Puzzle 5
Admission slot raffle; Shirley Jackson story.
Another word for unwise or looking silly.
Arithmetical card game also called 21.
Card game also called twenty-one or vingt-et-un.
Fixing things, mending broken things.
George Frederick Handel's master work.
He played Captain Ron in the 1992 comedy.
Losing the hair on the head.
Lunar phase that is completely in shadow.
Magical movie board game that's The Next Level.
Pilots use an artificial one for orientation.
Political TV drama about Olivia Pope.
Radical, far to one side of a spectrum.
Rupert Murdoch-founded British reporting channel.
Skin-tight garment for dancers.
Thick italian dumplings of semolina and potato.
To let in a goal in a football match.
What one does before rinsing and repeating.
Winningest dog breed group at Westminster.