Puzzle 1

1939 musical western film: Let __ Ring.

Admire someone for their achievements.

Best-selling solo song by John Lennon.

Bucks shed these when their testosterone drops.

Catch glove worn by a goalie in ice hockey.

Early morning prayers in the RC church.

Flat whites, lattes or espressos.

Icelandic parliament, the oldest in the world.

Italian river famously crossed by Julius Caesar.

Port __, French Riviera resort for yacht-spotting.

Six-pointed star.

Slang term for a strange person.

Surname of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The N in CERN (as Anglicized).

The cells in the body that transmit nerve impulses.

This "Valley" has a strong tech industry.

UK chemist Dorothy, penicillin scientist.