Puzzle 2

A Grand hole in the ground made by erosion.

Arctic mammal with tusks and flippers.

Beach Boys song, Help Me __.

Biles, the most decorated gymnast in history.

Brave and stubborn rabbit in Watership Down.

Caribbean, Creole religion with African influence.

Chess piece that can only move diagonally.

Class clowns in tall caps.

Decrees, announcements, statutes.

Dirty laundry waits in here until it gets washed.

Nissan-owned car brand.

Removed stalk from strawberries.

Stars, gas and dust held together by gravity.

Swan princess.

Swan princess in the ballet Swan Lake.

Tasks like doing laundry or washing dishes.

The Disney character also known as Experiment 626.

This supercomputer won Jeopardy!.

Union of Scandinavia in 14th to 16th centuries.

What Calvin Harris did to Rita Ora via tweet.

__ to go, ready and keen to get started.