Puzzle 5

Adam, comic star of 1998's The Wedding Singer.

Astronauts exercise so 0 gravity doesn't cause __.

Brooklyn baseball team until 1957.

Female dolls made by Mattel.

First presidential race debate on TV, Nixon vs. __.

Fitness trainer and TV personality Michaels.

IPA, Indian __, hoppy style of beer.

Industry Anna Wintour works in.

Italian poet Ludovico who wrote Orlando Furioso.

Last part of something.

Musicians whose instruments are their voices.

Sixth son of Jacob and Leah.

Snake species with an upturned snout.

Soul Singer, later became a Reverend.

Stage manager for the Muppets.

Stripy jackets worn by rugby and rowing types.

Suspect eliminated because they have an "excuse".

Valley that's home to a lot of tech companies.