Puzzle 3

2020 Oscar nominee for Harriet: __ Erivo.

A prophetic bird of Russian folklore.

Beggars __, Rolling Stones LP of 1968.

Chemical element in limestone and milk.

Comedian who tells jokes to a live audience.

Current King who's the father of William and Harry.

Deadly fish that is found in tanks in a Bond film.

Georgia city, host of the 1996 Olympic Games.

Hobnailed Ancient Roman military boots.

Intellectual property rented to produce products.

Man from Bethany risen from the dead by Christ.

Mocking, making jokes at someone's expense.

One of nine wooden pins in a traditional lawn game.

Royal prince who's the father of William and Harry.

SNL and Blues Brothers actor John.

Sigmund Freud was from this country.

Square stuffed pasta sold by Chef Boyardee.

Tears one's muscle.

Teeth like a dog's fangs.

The younger of the Grimm brothers.

To utter or make a harsh shrill cry.

Type of art realism closely linked with surrealism.

Your __, form of address for a king or queen.