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Treasure Island
Group 1026
Puzzle 1
Actor who plays Ms Polastri in Killing Eve.
Brand of shaving products.
Common Russian ballet teaching method.
Court obligation people try to get out of.
Decorative bangle worn on the wrist.
Disease transmitted from animals to humans.
First name of suffragette founder Pankhurst.
Gangsta's __, hit for Coolio in 1995.
Hard sugar candy that makes you taste the rainbow.
Ivy League stadium in New Haven, Connecticut.
Mascot snowman of the Québec Lenten Carnaval.
Matt Damon plays a rogue one in Jason Bourne films.
Miss Mary Mack might exercise with this.
Optimistic clerk Wilkins in David Copperfield.
Port __, Nigerian city also called Pitakwa.
Round white piece of sport kit covered in dimples.
Salad vegetable used as a metaphor for coolness.
Style of autonomous government.
Tall backless style of chair, often found in pubs.
The man who discovered the theory of relativity.
This bee puts letters in their proper order.