Puzzle 4

A Greek creature with a bull's head and human body.

American author of Light in August.

Ava, director of A Wrinkle in Time.

Bargain deal where pros and cons are balanced.

Bright paper tossed at a party or celebration.

Clear cell fragment that helps blood to clot.

Flying animal said to bring happiness.

Getting involved in protests and local politics.

In the US, what one's opinion is said to be worth.

Line that connects opposite corners of a square.

Monetary metaphor for one's opinion.

Month in which NASA's Apollo 12 reached the Moon.

Party with mixed drinks, also a dress style.

Person appointed to carry out the terms of a will.

Secret set of characters needed to enter somewhere.

Singer Jepsen, known for Call Me Maybe and Emotion.

Tall stand for holding a candle; French term.

The money of a country.

These are raised in an expression of surprise.

Young Frankenstein and 70s sitcom actress Cloris.

__ pig, young piglet roasted whole.