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Trip to Spain
Group 841
Puzzle 1
An autoimmune condition resulting in hair loss.
Clicking needles together to make a scarf.
Concentrated shot of coffee.
Friedrich __ wrote Ode to Joy and William Tell.
Giant plates that form the Earth's crust.
Irish ring with hand design, represents love.
Killers, marauders, carnivorous animals.
Name shared by actors Aniston, Lawrence, Lopez.
Quality of a mythical creature who can never die.
Small metal or porcelain thumb protectors.
Society where physical coins or notes are not used.
Star of the film Good Will Hunting: Robin __.
Swiss tennis pro Stan __ won Olympic gold in 2008.
The J.M Barrie character who never grew up.
The amount of light that gets to a piece of film.
Video game company that created Mario & Luigi.
__ The Palm; Dubai hotel based on mythical city.