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Trip to Spain
Group 852
Puzzle 4
A very light and steady kind of rain.
Adjective describing red-haired dolls Ann and Andy.
Ballerina and a meringue dish.
Boeing's water transport with wing-like mechanism.
Charles, William, Harry, and George.
Cheats never __; wise words on telling lies.
Foot-operated pedal, eg on a sewing machine.
Kid __; 1962 Elvis film with Charles Bronson.
Lin-Manuel __ of Hamilton fame.
Mislead, deliberately lie or tell untruths.
Mrs __, she made great pies in Blackadder.
Piece of matieral that may be used to cover roofs.
Run aground and unable to move.
Ship that Captain Edward John Smith went down with.
Small, white dog breed named after origin country.
The organ that stores urine.
This Moscow monument means fortress inside a city.
Travis Morgan's comic book alter ego.
Tree-based fat used in soaps, spreads, etc.
William, Harry, and George.
Written thoughts, perhaps in search of a meaning.