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Tundra and Taiga
Group 1683
Puzzle 5
1974 game with players collecting monthly wages.
Chemical used to refine petroleum for gasoline.
Chewy chocolate filling, made with nuts and honey.
Computers periodically do this to their software.
Fetus in early phase of development.
Golden item Charlie used to enter the factory.
He was Great in F Scott Fitzgerald's famous novel.
If this is behind a woman's left ear, she's taken.
K-pop lead singer of girl group aespa.
Korean kingdom invaded by Later Jin Dynasty China.
Largest city in Switzerland.
Manny the Mammoth starred in this film series.
Ranch dressing comes from this Hidden Ranch.
Serial killer TV show starring Michael C. Hall.
Singer Morissette whose lyrics described ironic.
Tree-dwelling primates from Madagascar.
Tweety was this kind of bird.
Unflattering term for someone with an equine look.
__ ring; round flotation device for non-swimmers.