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Water Park
Group 741
Puzzle 3
A social media app based in the sharing of images.
Attendant or companion in the Royal household.
Coming home, coming back.
Customer support once a purchase has been made.
Having mutual understanding with another.
Hop-drying farm building.
In Melville's tale, Bartleby was one.
Not having any serious purpose or value, flippant.
Novel by Herman Melville and opera by Britten.
Outlandish or extravagant.
Roasted skin of a pork joint.
Sea around Cuba, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico.
Start legal proceedings against a suspect.
Terry cloth garments worn after a shower.
The fundamental essence; the very basics.
__ Box escape; Houdini stunt in a submerged crate.
__ and ashes, a show of repentence.