Puzzle 3


Beatle song anagram of "got to cheer me": Come __.

Embellish, enhance the appearance of something.

Exciting, holding one's attention.

Face made from text, like :-).

Famous Parisian jail and square.

German luxury vehicle manufacturer.

He founded Tesla.

He's often associated with Tesla and X.

Huge particle accelerator is the Large Hadron this.

Hunting game animals.

Irreligion, or a heathen belief system.

Maghrebi staple of wheat semolina balls.

Marking with a hot iron.

Opiate used in medicine for strong pain relief.

Peter Pan's young male companions in Neverland.

Soldier with a long-barrelled gun.

TV series about the machinations of Thos Cromwell.

Take precedence over.

Technology that helps to achieve perfect pitch.

The company behind the Animal Crossing video games.

The space, often at the front, between incisors.

This company has entertained us since 1889.

Vital, key.

__ Saving Time, or DST.

__ terrier, Yorkshire dog, the largest terrier.